Friday, 30 December 2016

Benefits of getting Dental Implants for Replacing Lost Tooth

The appearance of a person greatly depends on his or her dental health. Therefore it is no wonder that losing a tooth often gives rise to a lot of mental anguish. Not only can it cause a lot of difficulty in performing regular tasks like speaking and eating but also make it difficult to have a positive social life.

Monday, 17 October 2016

The Benefits of Dental Implant

Dental implants happen to be the most advanced – as well as being latest – form of treatment in the context of dentistry. This form of treatment allows new teeth to be restored but does not damage the teeth nearby the ones that are being implanted. The best thing is that the new teeth thus implanted feel absolutely natural. The process of dental implant can be defined medically as a process whereby the roots of teeth are replaced. Just like tooth roots, dental implants are placed in the jawbone and the beauty of this treatment is that once they are placed surgically they are not visible anymore to the naked eye.

Why and how are they done?

They are normally done in order to safeguard the crowns. Crowns are parts of teeth that are visible to us. Apart from that this form of surgery is also performed in order to secure the dentures or the bridgework in a human mouth. It is also referred to as implant reconstructive surgery and happens to be a form of dentistry that requires lot of skill and a high level of specialization in order to be done properly. It fuses various elements of periodontics, oral surgery, and prosthodontics.

What is a dental implant?

In this surgical process, tiny metal posts made from titanium are implanted in one’s teeth. It basically acts as a substitute to the natural root of your tooth. Once it is implanted surgically on to a jawbone an artificial tooth is built on it. This artificial tooth is permanent, fixed, and stable. There is a good reason that titanium is used in these processes. It possesses a property named osseointegration that allows it to be fused to bones.

How good are they?

As has been said already they feel just like natural teeth and can be used as such as well. They are far better than bridges, dentures, and any other form of dental treatment that is used normally. The reason in this case is that they do not have any problems that are normally associated with the traditional forms of dental treatment. They also are far superior in overcoming the challenges that normally happen with the aforementioned treatments.

Titanium is a durable alloy that is created with the specific purpose of lasting for a long time. This is why they are used in this form of treatment. The biggest factor of this form of technology is that it has been improving by leaps and bounds in the last three decades. Thanks to the usage of titanium and other improvements it is now expected that compared to 10 years back these implants have a 90 to 95 per cent better chance of succeeding.

Types of dental implant

There are different techniques that are used when making these implants but the dental implants  choice always depends on the bone condition of the patient and his or her needs. The implantologist normally takes these decisions after factoring in the aforementioned criteria – suitability is the main factor. 

Monday, 26 September 2016

Missing Teeth can be Replaced in a Variety of Ways

There are a lot of people in the world who do not have all their teeth and are looking for solutions such as dental implant to fix the problem. The main area of grouse for these people is the way that they look having lost a tooth or some teeth and they wish to fix it. Apart from the way that you look, missing tooth can also raise other health issues for an individual. As anyone may be aware that tooth replacement has been a specialty of dentists for over the years and now thanks to technological developments the choices are only increasing.

The process of dental import support restoration

Dental import support restoration is the method that most people opt for when they look to replace their missing teeth. This process of dental implant has a number of benefits. For starters, the new teeth are quite strong and the treatment also promises to last a really-long time. It is also quite easy to predict the results of these operations thanks to the technological developments these days.

The method of fixed bridge

The fixed bridge option is also a great one. Normally people go for this treatment when they already have strong teeth. This has been a conventional method of replacing your missing teeth in the sense that it has been used for the last 50-odd years.
The process of fixed bridge however, comes with some issues and they can actually lead people to lose more teeth. The major reason for this is the fact that the teeth of an individual are supposed to work in a certain way. However, when new teeth from the outside are brought in they become more rigid and in the process they also lose the cement-like seal that bonds them together. This means that the teeth become vulnerable to bacterial infection, which becomes more potent.

Options of denture

Experts also suggest wearing partial or full dentures if someone indeed needs dental implants of some or the other sort. Partial dentures are worn when people still have some teeth left in their mouths and full dentures are worn when there is not a single tooth remaining. However, as may be expected this method comes in with its plus points as well as minus points.

Why you should replace teeth

Experts say that there is definitely a lot of need for anyone to replace teeth that have either fallen or are in the process of being so. They say that the new teeth can help people eat properly and is aesthetically important as well. Apart from all this, there is the question of mental well-being. When people miss even a single tooth it disturbs the natural shape of their jaws and they look much older than they actually are. All this can have a bad effect on their psyche.

Questions pertaining to tooth replacement

Following are certain questions that need to be asked by people that are looking to replace their missed teeth:
  • ·         Are they missing any tooth?
  • ·         Do they have any tooth that looks like it can fall off in the near future?
  • ·         Have they been losing teeth and as a result are they concerned about whether and how this would affect the way they look in the future?
  • ·         Do they have a fixed bridge or denture as of now?

If the answers to these questions are yes then it is better that such people get in touch with dentists in Ahmedabad to resolve their issues. It is very important that they get the solution that is right for the problem that they may be facing. It is also important to do some research before going for such procedures like dental implant in Ahmedabad, root canal treatment, dental cosmetics etc,.